Back then, and what about now?

Taylor Sun
2 min readNov 2, 2022

I am grateful to be writing again during lunch. On this day, I will set a goal to engage in writing and continue my progress of self development. The benefit of improved memory through writing is important to me. Putting events into perspective is hugely beneficial when it comes to looking back at my past and enjoying what I am working towards.

The writing I do doesn’t have a distinct piece of information. So far, the articles I have written isn’t too informative on a topic of something academic or research based. I simply write and try to come up with ideas that I can work towards (although I can say the experience of swimming frequently is something of a thesis). And it’s not like my articles so far are getting hundreds of views. But I’m okay with that.

Lunch is coming soon and has been picked up from L and L barbecue. A cool idea that I just came up with is that I can treat my Medium articles as a daily diary. Just like I use photos on Instagram to keep track of my physical process, I can use these articles to keep track of the written process and progress.

I think that if I read more I could use a more diverse vocabulary to ideas and writing here. It’s actually somewhat difficult to come up with things to write about.



Taylor Sun

I am Taylor, a novice writer looking to make the best out of my experiences and write accordingly